
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Tommaso Prescimone” ,找到相关结果约1086条。
Regional evidence of modulation of cardiac adiponectin level in dilated cardiomyopathy: pilot study in a porcine animal model
Chiara Caselli, Vincenzo Lionetti, Manuela Cabiati, Tommaso Prescimone, Giovanni D Aquaro, Virginia Ottaviano, Fabio Bernini, Letizia Mattii, Silvia Del Ry, Daniela Giannessi
Cardiovascular Diabetology , 2012, DOI: 10.1186/1475-2840-11-143
Abstract: Cardiac tissue was collected from seven instrumented adult male minipigs by pacing the left ventricular (LV) free wall (180 beats/min, 3 weeks), both from pacing (PS) and opposite sites (OS), and from five controls. Circulating ADN levels were inversely related to global and regional cardiac function. Myocardial ADN in PS was down-regulated compared to control (p < 0.05), yet ADN receptor 1 was significantly up-regulated (p < 0.05). No modifications of AMPK were observed in either region of the failing heart. Similarly, myocardial mRNA levels of PPARγ, PPARα, TNFα, iNOS were unchanged compared to controls.Paradoxically, circulating ADN did not show any cardioprotective effect, confirming its role as negative prognostic biomarker of heart failure. Myocardial ADN was reduced in PS compared to control in an AMPK-independent fashion, suggesting the occurrence of novel mechanisms by which reduced cardiac ADN levels may regionally mediate the decline of cardiac function.Adiponectin (ADN) is an adipocyte-derived protein that is abundantly present in plasma [1] and is also expressed in cardiomyocytes [2] and endothelial cells [3]. Two ADN receptors, AdipoR1 and AdipoR2, have been characterized: AdipoR1 is abundantly expressed in skeletal muscle, whereas AdipoR2 is predominantly expressed in the liver [4]. T-cadherin, an additional ADN receptor, is expressed in cardiomyocytes and is involved in ADN-mediated cardioprotection [5]. The remodeling of the failing heart has induced a number of investigators to test the hypothesis that modulation of myocardial metabolism might prove therapeutically advantageous [6].Potential downstream effectors of ADN receptors include AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α (PPAR-α). AMPK is considered an energy-sensing enzyme that on stimulation enhances glucose use and fatty acid oxidation, whereas PPAR-α is a key nuclear transcription factor, regulating expression of genes involved in fatty acid upt
Impact of Obesity on the Expression Profile of Natriuretic Peptide System in a Rat Experimental Model
Manuela Cabiati, Serena Raucci, Tiziana Liistro, Eugenia Belcastro, Tommaso Prescimone, Chiara Caselli, Marco Matteucci, Patricia Iozzo, Letizia Mattii, Daniela Giannessi, Silvia Del Ry
PLOS ONE , 2013, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0072959
Abstract: Natriuretic peptides (NPs) play an important role in obesity and aim of this study was to evaluate, in cardiac tissue of obese Zucker rats (O, n = 29) their transcriptomic profile compared to controls (CO, n = 24) by Real-Time PCR study; CNP protein expression was evaluated by immunostaining and immunometric tests. Myocardial histology was performed, confirming no alteration of organ structure. While ANP and BNP are cardiac peptides, CNP is mainly an endothelial hormone; thus its expression, as well as that of NPR-B and NPR-C, was also evaluated in kidney and lung of an animal subgroup (n = 20). In heart, lower BNP mRNA levels in O vs CO (p = 0.02) as well as ANP and CNP (p = ns), were detected. NPR-B/NPR-A mRNA was similar in O and CO, while NPR-C was numerically lower (p = ns) in O than in CO. In kidney, CNP/NPR-B/NPR-C mRNA was similar in O and CO, while in lung CNP/NPR-C expression decreased and NPR-B increased (p = ns) in O vs CO. Subdividing into fasting and hyperglycemic rats, the pattern of mRNA expression for each gene analyzed remained unchanged. The trend observed in heart, kidney and lung for CNP protein concentrations and immunohistochemistry reflected the mRNA expression. TNF-α and IL-6 mRNA were measured in each tissue and no significant genotype effect was detected in any tissue. The main NP variations were observed at the cardiac level, suggesting a reduced release by cardiac cells. The understanding of mechanisms involved in the modulation of the NP system in obesity could be a useful starting point for future clinical study devoted to identifying new obesity treatment strategies.
A General Closed Form Approximation Pricing Formula for Basket and Multi-Asset Spread Options  [PDF]
Tommaso Pellegrino
Journal of Mathematical Finance (JMF) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/jmf.2016.65063
Abstract: The aims of this paper are twofold. Firstly, we present an approximating formula for pricing basket and multi-asset spread options, which genuinely extends Caldana and Fusai’s (2013) two-asset spread options formula. Secondly, under the lognormal setting, we show that our formula becomes a Black and Scholes type formula, extending Bjerksund and Stensland’s (2011). Numerical experiments and comparison with Monte Carlo simulations and other methods available in the literature are discussed. The main contribution of this paper is to provide practitioners with a pricing formula, which can be used for pricing basket and multi-asset spread options, even under a non-Gaussian framework.
Embedding Stochastic Correlation into the Pricing of FX Quanto Options under Stochastic Volatility Models  [PDF]
Tommaso Pellegrino
Journal of Mathematical Finance (JMF) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/jmf.2019.93025
Abstract: The aim of the paper is to incorporate a stochastic correlation structure when pricing quanto options under the assumption that both the underlying asset and the foreign exchange (FX) rate follow a stochastic volatility model. This is reached not only assuming that the correlation between the underlying asset and its variance process is stochastic (and the same between the exchange rate and its variance process), but also assuming a stochastic correlation between the underlying asset and the exchange rate. Under different stochastic correlation processes specifications, by approximating non-affine terms, we derive a closed-form approximation for the characteristic function of the underlying asset. Numerical experiments and comparison with Monte Carlo simulations are discussed. The analytical tractability of the formulas allows for fast pricing and calibration purposes.
Evaluation of Continuing Medical Education (CME) Systems across the 27 European Countries  [PDF]
Tommaso Saita, Pietro Dri
Creative Education (CE) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2014.59080

The EU Research Project Tell Me aims to create a common communication channel and joint intervention strategies to respond to potential pandemic influenza events. This aim can be supported by using e-learning, which is an increasingly popular approach for continuing medical education. It is characterised by practical and theoretical advantages related to its flexibility, accessibility, adaptability, reduced time and costs and the potential to rapidly disseminate and update educational resources. The aim of this article is to review and identify the policies of continuing medical education systems in Europe. We will specifically focus on e-learning, which may be useful to understand whether there is a favourable evidence and context for the development of a common European continuing medical education e-learning framework. We conducted a survey to collect information about the Continuing Medical Education (CME) system’s policy of 27 European Union countries using electronic databases. A CME system is present in 26 of the27 EU countries. Most of the countries have 1) similar CME system requirements (16), 2) the same accreditation unit (21) and 3) recognize CME distance learning (E-learning) (22). There are still some differences between continuing medical education systems of European countries; however, there is a favourable evidence and context for the development of a common European continuing medical education e-learning framework.

The Capacity of a Channel with an Image as the Information Source  [PDF]
Lev B. Levitin, Tommaso Toffoli
Journal of Quantum Information Science (JQIS) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/jqis.2014.42012

We consider the physical limitations imposed on the information content of an image by the wave and quantum nature of light, when the image is obtained by illuminating a reflecting or transmitting planar object by natural (i.e., fully thermalized) light, or by observation of an object emitting incoherent (thermal) radiation. The discreteness of the degrees of freedom and the statistical properties of thermal radiation are taken into account. We derive the maximum amount of information that can be retrieved from the object. This amount is always finite and is proportional to the area of the object, the solid angle under which the entrance pupil of the receiver is seen from the object, and the time of observation. An explicit expression for the information in the case where the information recorded by the receiver obeys Planck’s spectral distribution is obtained. The amount of information per photon of recorded radiation is a universal numerical constant, independent of the parameters of observation.

The Entropy Principle from Continuum Mechanics to Hyperbolic Systems of Balance Laws: The Modern Theory of Extended Thermodynamics
Tommaso Ruggeri
Entropy , 2008, DOI: 10.3390/e10030319
Abstract: We discuss the different roles of the entropy principle in modern thermodynamics. We start with the approach of rational thermodynamics in which the entropy principle becomes a selection rule for physical constitutive equations. Then we discuss the entropy principle for selecting admissible discontinuous weak solutions and to symmetrize general systems of hyperbolic balance laws. A particular attention is given on the local and global well-posedness of the relative Cauchy problem for smooth solutions. Examples are given in the case of extended thermodynamics for rarefied gases and in the case of a multi-temperature mixture of fluids.
Patologías asociadas a la distribución natural de se, ca y mg sobre la corteza terrestre
Interciencia , 2008,
Abstract: the distribution of the elements in the earth surface depends on the properties of the minerals containing the elements, the lithology and the weathering processes. the natural distribution and concentration of trace elements such as ca, mg and se in water, soil and sediments, have been recognized as important factors in maintaining good health. medical geology is the interdisciplinary science that studies the influence of the natural environmental geologic factors and geologic processes on animal and human health. it has been shown that the deficiency of ca, mg and se has detrimental effects on the health of populations worldwide, independently of their social condition. in venezuela, the statistical distribution of the primary causes of mortality could partially be determined by regional geologic factors studied by medical geology, which may not have been detected and/or recognized by the public health and biomedical communities. understanding the potential of this discipline for dealing with a wide variety of environmental health problems is of importance in developing a regional and national public health agenda
La chirurgia estetica come problema filosofico: le sue condizioni
Tommaso Ariemma
S&F_scienzaefilosofia.it , 2010,
Formar formadores para a escrita profissional
Tommaso Raso
Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada , 2007,
Abstract: Este trabalho apresenta alguns dos resultados de dez anos de pesquisa e atividade didática para formar formadores de escrita profissional, tanto no sistema educacional quanto no mundo do trabalho. Em particular, apresenta-se um currículo base de competências comuns a todos os formadores, sem distin o de destina o didática. Essas competências s o resumíveis em cinco pontos: a consciência da varia o entre as estratégias textuais da fala e da escrita; a habilidade em identificar as informa es dentro de um contexto e usá-las para os próprios fins textuais; a consciência dos tra os que caracterizam um gênero textual e a capacidade de gerenciá-los na reformula o para objetivos diferentes; a capacidade de gerenciar os diferentes aspectos de uma situa o comunicativa; a argumenta o, com e sem documenta o. O trabalho privilegia as competências textuais sobre aquelas lingüísticas de superfície e, portanto, mesmo pensado para um ambiente italófono, é aplicável a qualquer língua-cultura ocidental. This paper presents some results of a ten year research and teaching project for educating educators for professional writing, either in the educational system or in the working environment. Specifically, it presents a curriculum of basic competences that all educators should have, independently of the didactic destination. These competences can be summarized in five points: the conscience of the variation between speaking and writing textual strategies; the ability to identify information within a context, and in using it for textual purposes; the conscience of the parameters that characterize a textual genre, and the capacity of managing them reformulating a text for different purposes; the skills for managing the different aspects of a communicative situation; and, finally, argumentation, with and without documentation. The study privileges textual rather than surface linguistic competences; so, even if elaborated for an Italian speaking environment, it is applicable in any occidental language and culture.

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